Fotogrammetria Subacquea e Rilievo 3D di Precisione di Strutture Galleggianti o Semi-Sommerse


  • Fabio Menna 3D Optical Metrology unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
  • Erica Nocerino 3D Optical Metrology unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
  • Salvatore Troisi Università  Parthenope, Napoli
  • Fabio Remondino 3D Optical Metrology unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler,Trento

Parole chiave:

Fotogrammetria, rilievo 3D, Costa Concordia


The article presents an innovative methodo logy for the 3D surveying
and mod eling of floating and semi-submerged objects. Photogramm
etry is used for surveying both the underwater and emerged
parts of the object and the two surveys are com bined together by
means of special rigid orientation devices. As examp le, a challenging
project is repo rted, i.e. a large shipwreck (almo st 300 meters long)
interested by a 52 m long leak at the waterline. The article co vers
the entire workflow, starting from the preparation and data acquisition
do wn to the realization of the digital 3D mod el by means of
dense image matching proc edures as well as deformation analyses
and comp arison with the craft original plane.

Biografie autore

Fabio Menna, 3D Optical Metrology unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento


Salvatore Troisi, Università  Parthenope, Napoli

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Koelman Herbert J. (2010). Application of a photogrammetry based system to measure and re-engineer ship hulls and ship parts: An industrial practices-based report. Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 42(8), pp. 731-743.

Menna, F., Nocerino, E., Troisi, S., & Remondino, F. (2013). A photogrammetric approach to survey floating and semi-submerged objects. Proc. SPIE Optical Metrology 2013 (pp. 87910H-87910H).

Menna, F., & Nocerino, E. (2012). Hybrid survey method for 3D digital recording and documentation of maritime heritage. Applied Geomatics, pp. 1-13.

Menna F, Nocerino E, Ackermann S, Del Pizzo S, Scamardella A (2011) Underwater photogrammetry for 3D modeling of floating objects: the case study of a 19-foot motor boat. 14th Congress of Intl. Maritime Assoc. of Mediterranean IMAM 2011, Genova, Italy.

Menna, F., Ackermann, S., Nocerino, E., Scamardella, A., Troisi, S., (2009): ‘Digital photogrammetry: a useful tool for shipbuilding applications'. Proc. 13th Congress of Intl. Maritime Assoc. of Mediterranean IMAM 2009, ć°stanbul, 2009.

Menna F., Troisi S., (2007). Photogrammetric 3D modelling of a boat's hull. Proceedings of Optical 3D Measurement Techniques Conference, Vol. II, Zurich, pp. 347-354.




Come citare

Menna, F., Nocerino, E., Troisi, S., & Remondino, F. (2014). Fotogrammetria Subacquea e Rilievo 3D di Precisione di Strutture Galleggianti o Semi-Sommerse. GEOmedia, 17(5). Recuperato da




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