<p>Rivista italiana di geomatica e geografia intelligente.</p><p><em>GEOmedia</em><span> è la prima rivista italiana di </span>geomatica a carattere scientifico-divulgativo<span>. Da quasi 20 anni pubblica argomenti collegati alle tecnologie dei processi di acquisizione, analisi e interpretazione dei dati, in particolare strumentali, relativi alla superficie terrestre. In questo settore GEOmedia affronta temi culturali e tecnologici per l'operatività degli addetti ai settori dei sistemi informativi geografici e del </span>catasto<span>, della </span>fotogrammetria<span> e cartografia, della geodesia e topografia, del </span>telerilevamento <span>aereo e spaziale, con un approccio tecnico-scientifico e divulgativo.</span></p>it-ITGEOmedia1128-8132<span>Gli autori che pubblicano su questa rivista accettano le seguenti condizioni:</span><br /><br /><ol><li>Gli autori mantengono i diritti sulla loro opera e cedono alla rivista il diritto di prima pubblicazione dell'opera, contemporaneamente licenziata sotto una <a href="" target="_new">Licenza Creative Commons - Attribuzione</a> che permette ad altri di condividere l'opera indicando la paternità intellettuale e la prima pubblicazione su questa rivista.<br /> </li><li>Gli autori possono aderire ad altri accordi di licenza non esclusiva per la distribuzione della versione dell'opera pubblicata (es. depositarla in un archivio istituzionale o pubblicarla in una monografia), a patto di indicare che la prima pubblicazione è avvenuta su questa rivista.<br /> </li><li>Gli autori possono diffondere la loro opera online (es. in repository istituzionali o nel loro sito web) prima e durante il processo di submission, poiché può portare a scambi produttivi e aumentare le citazioni dell'opera pubblicata (Vedi <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ol>Geodati per l’archeologia
Renzo Carlucci
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2024-11-202024-11-20284L’archeologia preventiva come ambito professionale
<p>Preventive archaeology has increased<br>the number of work possibilities<br>in design and execution.<br>The archaeologist must acquire a<br>new professional mentality, open<br>to dialogue with other professional<br>figures. This theme includes<br>collaboration on interventions<br>in OG2 and participation in the<br>construction of spatial planning<br>tools. The open professional horizon<br>projects the archaeologist into<br>the world of actual design, putting<br>him in a position to provide<br>proposals, solutions and produce<br>work that can be understood by<br>other designers and those who will<br>have to carry out the work.</p>Cristina Anghinetti
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Tra evoluzione normativa e buone pratiche: il Geoportale Nazionale per l’Archeologia (GNA)
<p>In recent years the role of preventive archaeological<br>investigations - and consequently<br>that of archaeologists -in territorial<br>and urban transformation became more<br>and more important; On the other hand,<br>the time allocated to archaeological investigation<br>is often severely compressed: so, it<br>is essential to exercise targeted and effective<br>action and, even more so, to have in-depth<br>knowledge of the context on which the<br>project impacts. The National Geoportal<br>for Archaeology is a useful tool, making<br>archaeological data available for consultation<br>and free reuse. Its usefulness is growing<br>every day, thanks to recent provisions that<br>provide for the use of the GNA as a standard<br>for the delivery of minimum data for all<br>archaeological investigations.</p>Valeria Boi
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Dall’archeologia preventiva al consciuous planning
<p>Protection as an Opportunity for Research and Enhancement of Historical<br>Landscapes in Etruria and Sicily. Over the last few decades, Italy has been a<br>key player, both as a subject and object, in the international debate on the<br>topic of preventive archaeology. After some pioneering experiences dedicated<br>to the evaluation and planning of a preventive approach, significant steps have<br>been taken to stimulate the interest of stakeholders as well in the strategic<br>value of the archaeological data that emerge from surveys and excavations. Despite<br>recent developments in non-invasive investigative techniques, excavation<br>intervention remains very often indispensable: the enhancement of the results<br>implies not only potential advancements in the knowledge of the archaeological<br>landscape but could also constitute the central element of conscious<br>planning.</p>Rodolfo BrancatoSimona Carosi
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2024-11-202024-11-20284L'archeologia preventiva: documentazione, formazione e comunicazione
<p>The preventive assessment of archaeological<br>interest is law in Italy since<br>2005, but was practised since well before:<br>it is the normative and scientific<br>medium that regulates the relationship<br>between public works and archaeology,<br>and as such needs to be properly<br>communicated by the archaeologists<br>in charge, so as to interest and involve<br>citizens.</p>Elena Calandra
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Aquinum, un caso di studio da manuale
<p>This contribution, without the presumption of outlining<br>the guidelines of the field, aims to stimulate debate<br>and discussion on the operational choices applied or applicable<br>in different areas of Ancient topography investigations,<br>with particular attention to the refinements of<br>research, study methods, and tools used. All of this is<br>achieved through the presentation of the case study of<br>Aquinum, a Roman colony in South Latium, highlighting<br>direct experiences conducted in the field to illustrate<br>the strategic project and its corresponding results, avoiding<br>abstract theorizations.</p>Giuseppe Ceruado
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Metodi per la documentazione e la valorizzazione dei contesti di Archeologia Preventiva
<p>This paper presents innovative methods for documenting and enhancing<br>preventive archaeology contexts, drawing from the experience of Rome's<br>Metro C project. It illustrates the evolution of techniques for reconstructing<br>ancient landscapes, from GIS-based stratigraphic modeling to photorealistic<br>3D visualizations. The integration of heterogeneous data sources,<br>including core samples, historical maps and excavation records, allows<br>creating comprehensive "digital replicas" of archaeological sites. These<br>virtual reconstructions, enhanced by the Extended Matrix methodology,<br>serve both scientific analysis and public dissemination, paving the way for<br>new approaches in cultural heritage management.</p>Emanuel Demetrescu
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Il rapporto tra Archeologia Preventiva e sviluppo Infrastrutturale
<p>Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, has been the first Italian<br>engineering company to equip itself, since the 1990s, with its<br>own staff of professional archaeologists capable of managing all<br>archaeological activities functional to the design and construction<br>of railway works and to resolve any interference between new<br>railway works and the archaeological heritage. The team works<br>in collaboration with the territorially competent Archaeological<br>Superintendencies in Italy and is registered in the Ministry of<br>Culture’s list of operators qualified to draw up the Archaeological<br>Assessment Document, bringing the latest non-invasive archaeological<br>investigation methods.</p>Francesca Frandi
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2024-11-202024-11-20284I vantaggi e le innovazioni metodologiche del remote e del proximal sensing nel campo dell’Archeologia Preventiva
<p>In recent years the role of preventive<br>archaeological investigations - and<br>consequently that of archaeologists<br>-in territorial and urban transformation<br>became more and more important;<br>On the other hand, the time<br>allocated to archaeological investigation<br>is often severely compressed:<br>so, it is essential to exercise targeted<br>and effective action and, even more<br>so, to have in-depth knowledge of<br>the context on which the project<br>impacts. The National Geoportal for<br>Archaeology is a useful tool, making<br>archaeological data available for<br>consultation and free reuse. Its usefulness<br>is growing every day, thanks<br>to recent provisions that provide for<br>the use of the GNA as a standard for<br>the delivery of minimum data for all<br>archaeological investigations.</p>Ginacarlo Pastura
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Costruire la sostenibilità sociale dell'archeologia preventiva. Un cantiere aperto
<p>Preventive archaeology in Italy integrates<br>aspects of social sustainability, although<br>these may be less visible compared to<br>environmental and economic dimensions.<br>The protection of cultural heritage,<br>inherent in preventive archaeology,<br>offers opportunities for education, community<br>engagement, and the preservation<br>of shared identities. However, social<br>sustainability often remains underemphasized<br>in administrative processes,<br>limiting public participation and the<br>potential for community involvement.<br>Addressing these challenges requires<br>both administrative adaptability and<br>public initiatives to ensure that preventive<br>archaeology can fully contribute to<br>social cohesion and sustainable cultural<br>management.</p>Fabio Pinna
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2024-11-202024-11-20284Per una carta del potenziale archeologico di Roma
<p>The Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma is developing a new application to set up a ‘Map of the Archaeological Potential of Rome’ within the SITAR platform. The research group is developing a solid system for the Rome Archaeological Potential Map, which is based on the great documentary heritage included in the system, i.e. 25,000 archaeological partitions and over 10,000 cores collected and processed. With a view to a participatory philosophy, this tool will be implemented through the input of data entered by individual users of the platform. The final elaboration will soon be available on the SITAR webgis.</p>Mirella SerlorenziAscanio D’AndreaCarlo RosaPaolo RosatiDaniele Sepio
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