L'Archeologia Forense ed i reati contro i beni culturali

L’importanza dell’archeologia forense per la tutela e la salvaguardia del patrimonio archeologico


  • Pier Matteo Barone


Forensic archaeological investigations include not only the search for cadavers
in the broad sense but also investigations relating to the destruction or damage
of archaeological sites and monuments, illegal excavations (terrestrial and
underwater) and looting of artefacts, assessing the financial and archaeological
damage caused in order to examine the possibilities of identifying those
responsible for the damage; investigations to help establish the provenance of
antiquities that may have been illegally acquired or falsified.




Come citare

Barone, P. M. (2022). L’Archeologia Forense ed i reati contro i beni culturali: L’importanza dell’archeologia forense per la tutela e la salvaguardia del patrimonio archeologico. Archeomatica, 12(4). Recuperato da https://www.mediageo.it/ojs/index.php/archeomatica/article/view/1846



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